Who We Are

We are two creative souls who’ve known each other all of our lives. We got married right after college and have been busy expanding to a family of five and now spend most of our time chasing after our kiddos…and trying to rest!

We both have a deep love of art and nature and decided to claim this little corner of the internet to let that love express itself creatively. Philip is the woodworker and artist in every spare second he can find. He is a maker at heart and can’t help but create. I (Jessica!) am the voice of the blog here and passionate spokesperson for Philip’s art.

We both come from a long line of accomplished gardeners and you’ll find our love of plants is the focus of the blog. We garden year round on the line between zones 7b and 8a and have a house FULL of houseplants. Under TIMBER you will find Philip’s creations. So click around and see what interests you and let us know. We’d love to connect with anyone who shares these passions!

When I’m not knee-deep in soil or convincing my roses to play nice, I’m writing. A lot. And not just about plants! As a seasoned writer with a passion for helping small businesses flourish, I offer creative, SEO-friendly content that’ll make your brand stand out in the wild (internet) jungle. Whether you need blog posts, website copy, or even a sprinkle of magic on your social media captions—I’ve got you covered.