Nursery Review: Rountree Nursery Fairview, NC

My Rountree Nursery Adventure: A Customer's Story

So, picture this: I stroll into Rountree Nursery in Fairview, NC, and boom – I'm instantly surrounded by this sea of greenery. It's like stepping into a botanical wonderland, complete with rows of vibrant plants and friendly faces. Let me tell you about my first trip through this plant lover's paradise!

Getting Lost in Greenery:

From the get-go, I'm just soaking in the sights and smells of Rountree Nursery. There are plants everywhere – big ones, little ones, ones I've never even heard of before. I feel like a kid in a candy store, except instead of candy, it's plants. And honestly, I'm not complaining. There are awesome little vignettes with benches or rocking chairs scattered throughout the greenhouse with plants set up around them so you can imagine what beautiful combinations are possible for your own landscape. Some of them include planters or other decorative touches to help you imagine them in your own backyard!

Meeting the Plant Gurus:

Now, let's talk about the staff at Rountree Nursery. These folks know their stuff, let me tell you. I have lot of plant questions and sometimes people ask me where I like to buy plants. For friends who are not big gardeners, I don’t want to recommend a place that can’t help you out! The staff here are knowledgeable and wonderful. They didn't bat an eye and had a helpful answer to every question.

Quality You Can See (and Smell):

One thing that really impressed me about Rountree Nursery was the quality of their plants. I mean, these babies were looking good. No wilting leaves or droopy stems here – just healthy, happy plants ready to find their forever homes. And the best part? They smelled amazing. Like, seriously, who needs air fresheners when you've got a nursery full of blooming flowers? I was pleasantly surprised by their wide selections of natives and perennials and especially excited to see it all clearly marked!

Learning the Ropes:

As a garden-lover, I was a little equal parts overwhelmed and excited by all the plant options. This place is a massive greenhouse filled with plants of all sorts. The folks at Rountree Nursery were super patient and willing to help though. They gave me tips on plant care, watering schedules, you name it. I left so excited about my finds. Some were unique plants I haven’t seen anywhere else!

Leaving with a Full Heart (and Arms):

After spending a long while wandering around Rountree Nursery, I finally had to tear myself away. But not before loading up on a few new plant buddies to take home with me. I left feeling inspired, empowered, and just a little bit more obsessed with all things green. Their wonderful staff even have you pull your car right up to the exit where they load all your purchases for you. The service there cannot be beat!

Final Thoughts:

So, if you're ever in or around Fairview, NC, do yourself a favor and swing by Rountree Nursery. I loved it so much I had a friend snap a couple of pictures of me among the greenery that I’m currently using as headshots around the web! This place is just gorgeous. Whether you're a seasoned plant pro or a total newbie, you'll feel right at home among the greenery and friendly faces. Trust me – it's an experience you won't soon forget!


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