Plant Profile: Bearded Iris

Hey green-thumb gang, today let's talk about the rockstars of the garden – the bearded iris. These beauties aren't just your average flowers; they're the divas that bring a touch of elegance and drama to your landscape. So, grab your sun hat, gardening gloves, and let's dive into the world of planting and caring for these regal blooms.

Bearded Iris hold an extra special place in my heart. A little backstory if you’ll indulge me…

My husband’s grandmother was a master gardener who actually hosted horticulture classes from our local community college in her yard. She was very active in several garden clubs and loved Iris of all types, I will write another post about the specific Iris she actually named!

On my side, I grew up next door to the house my mother grew up in. In fact, my grandfather still lived there for most of my childhood. This special house had two glorious, sunny lots on either side that were amazing for gardening. (After I got married, my husband and I lived there for a while and tended huge gardens that I miss so much) When I was growing up, my grandfather grew a huge bed of iris in one of those lots and I have the fondest memories running through those rows, smelling that sweet, heady scent. Every year, when it was time for teacher appreciation week, the iris would be blooming and I would run next door before school and cut fresh, huge iris to take in to share with my teachers. These flowers are just so special to me and I won’t ever live in a house without them growing!

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.

What to do if you want to grow your own?

Choosing the Right Spot:

First things first, where do you want these floral showstoppers? Bearded irises are sun worshippers. They crave at least six hours of glorious sunlight daily to flaunt those intricate petals. Plant them in well-drained soil because, let's face it, nobody likes soggy feet, not even your iris.

Planting the Drama:

Planting bearded irises is like setting the stage for a garden opera. Dig a shallow hole, around 10 inches in diameter and 4 inches deep. Make sure the rhizome (that's the fancy term for their root) sits just above the soil surface. Don't bury it; let it bask in the limelight!

Thirsty Divas:

Bearded irises are like the garden drama queens – they like a drink but hate to be soaked. Water them when the soil feels dry, but avoid drowning them. A good soaking once a week is usually the ticket to keeping these divas happy.

Feeding Time:

Now, these irises might seem high-maintenance, but when it comes to food, they're not too picky. A balanced fertilizer in early spring should do the trick. Think of it as a little pre-show snack to keep them blooming and strutting their stuff.

Dealing with Messy Fans:

As the show goes on, the foliage might get a bit unruly. Fear not, it's just part of the act. After the blooming spectacle, give them a little trim – about a third of the leaves – and tidy up. It's like giving them a fresh costume change for the next performance.

Hot Tip: My great Aunt would always cut her iris down 2/3 and get a second bloom! I’ve mentioned this to several gardeners who didn’t seem to believe me. Maybe she had a magic touch, but it might be worth a shot for these extraordinary blooms.

Blooming Extravaganza:

Ah, the moment we've all been waiting for – the blooms. Bearded irises come in a kaleidoscope of colors, from majestic purples to sassy yellows. I love the purple/white combo and I have a nostalgic connection to the gold/burgundy type as well. And those beards? Oh, they're not just for show. They guide pollinators right to the heart of the action.

Dividing the Drama:

Every few years, it's time for a little backstage shuffle. Dividing your bearded irises keeps the drama in check. After the final curtain call (usually late summer), dig up the rhizomes, cut them into sections, and replant the healthier, younger ones. It's like giving your irises a spa day to recharge for their next performance. This is HUGE for long-term success with these flowers.

Parting Curtain Call:

So, there you have it – a simple guide to planting and caring for bearded irises. These floral celebrities bring not just beauty but a touch of grandeur to your garden. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting, cultivating bearded irises is like having a front-row seat to a garden spectacular. Now, go out there, let your garden stage be set, and watch your bearded irises steal the show! Happy gardening, everyone!


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